Friday, February 11, 2011


Well I placed a order off for 2 econobum cloth diapers to use as training pants for my 2year old son. I cannot express how great these are . My son is a heavy wetter and he was not saturated in the morning all I used was a prefold inside of the Econobum cover. these are nice because if you are looking for something cheap in price then this is something you would like. to get started it would be approx. $150.00 which ends up being cheaper then what you would spend if you wanted to get started with brands like: Fuzibunz,applecheecks,charlie bananas,thirsties,bummis ect. They currently have a buy one get one free promo on and! this last till Feb 21

  1. cheap
  2. no leaks!
  3. last as your baby gets in to potty training stage
  4. easy to use.
cute in three colors: moonbeam,ribbet, and the pink one i forgot the name of.

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