Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I've come across a great opportunity to be a part of a upcoming new jewlery line "BAMBOO PINK"! I wanted to share this with you. The company was created by three entreprenurial women with many years of experiece. The quality of this jewlery collect is so great yet the jewlery is affordable! Right now there is no fee or obligation if you sign up by March 15TH!

to sign up!

Monday, March 7, 2011

my health/ the importance of women's health

I went in to the clinic for a routine 6week post partum appointment. I felt healthy and full of life after being blessed with such beautiful children and a wonderful husband in my life. As we all know at your routine postpartum visit you have a papsmear done. Yes I know one of the worst test we women have to do.well I have never had a abnormal papsmear so I thought hey I'm done for a year. I received a call from my doctor and she said that my pap had came back abnormal. My heart was racing and I didn't know what to say what to think. She said I need to make an appointment for a biopsy of the cells. So I went in two days after the call. The doctor then told me that results would be in in a week. This was the longest and worst week of my life! I called in exactly a week after my biopsy only to find out some of the cells where high grade precancer and the other spots where inflamation that could be the process of turning into precancer:( the cause of my precancerous cells was an abnormal kind they said that only 3% of woman get this. Which she explained the other cause of cervical cancer is HPV. But I tested Negative for HPV. She also said if left untreated it could spread and in 30% of the woman that have this is actually turn to cancer. I have to have a LEEP procedure to remove these cells from my cervix. I will have to be sedated for the surgery. After surgery I will see the doctor at 1week,then 1month, then every 3months for a year then every 6months for 2years and if no precancer comes back I move up to one papsmear a year! So I cannot stress how important it is for us women to get papsmears done!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

future plans

Well I have considered going back to school after our last little one is in kindergarden. But I have been thinking over the past 9months what would be something I'd really enjoy and have flexibility to still be able to spend a lot of time with my family! I have been browsing at SLR digital cameras. I have not been able to narrow down what I'd like to purchase!I wan something I can see myself with for quite sometime! Something that I can purchase different lenses. I've always been in to the arts from pottery,crafts,photography,cosmetology ect. I have discussed with Eric my husband what I would like to do in the future and that would be build a nice size building outside like our tool shed and make it a little studio get props and set up to have that as a photography studio. Of course with the options of doing travel photo shoots and outdoor photoshoots! I think I enjoy photography because its never the same thing or the same person! Photographs tell a story! So we will see if I can narrow down what camera I will get! Also will be looking into a easy to use photo editor program! Once I get this all set up and make my purchases I will start a portfolio:)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

bumbledoo cloth diaper review

I got the opportunity to test a new cloth diaper Malia @ Bumbledoo came up with. Once I received it my first impression wasthat I loved the print,the feel of the fleece,it was a one size diaper meaning it will be a diaper that will grow with your child! I'm a big fan of One size cloth diapers. The snaps was a plus because velcro is so easly taken off by little ones once they figure it out! When I was done looking and feeling the cloth diaper I preped it to start using it on Brielle my two month old daughter. I used this diaper a lot of times! The diaper leaked on me twice out of all the uses not sure why Brielle didn't wet heavy through it. It was mostly where the bumbledoo tag was on the butt part of the diaper. I think the diaper was good because it wasn't bulky! It was almost as if Brielle could of been wearing a sposies! On a scale of one to ten with one being disatisfied and ten being very dissatisfied I would say I'd give it a rating of 8.5 because of the leaks. This was my first diaper I have of bumbledoo. Looking forward to purchasing in the future from Malia. Customer service is excelent! You can find her fan page on (bumbledoo) and also visit her website!