Monday, April 25, 2011

Mother of a sale postion/update on life:)

Hey everyone! Well I just applied for a position with the awesome website mother of a sale! I'm pretty excited and would be honored to get a position with them! This position would consist of getting the latest trends and gadgets! I think that would an awesome job! It would be something that would look great on a resume as well:) the deadline has been set for Wed for resumes to be in and so far it looks like there are many ladies applying for the position! So all I can do is cross my fingers. Well I have been busy enter giveaways as well and have not one anything in 3weeks which is not the norm for me lol. For awhile there I was winning atleast once a week! Bummer. We had a wonderful Easter yesterday we went to church worship then had brunch at my in laws then we went over to Eric's aunt and uncle Pam and Jim's for awhile. It sure was different to be around a lot of people I get nervous since when I was growing up we never did all the things that Eric's family does with holiday get togethers. But I see what our family had missed our in growing up I'm just happy my children get to experience that!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Meet my family!

Jared 4yrs old

Justin 2 1/2yrs old

Brielle 4months old


~ childrens photos were taken by Alyssa Nelson~
This is Eric and Myself (Lissette) last year in Las Vegas after we got married!

I've survived!

Well it sure has been awhile since I have blogged well I guess when it seems like I only have 5mins of free time here and there between three kids! But I wanted to post my follow up information about my surgery I had on March 8th. I as in one of my last post I was diagnosed with high grade rare cervical cancer. The reason it is rare is because it only affects 3% of woman because unlike all of the other cervica cancer this one is not caused by HPV. I ended up having a LEEP procedure done. This is a same day surgery. I was sedated for this procedure. I was terrified so may things went through my head. I have never been sedated in any way shape or form so this was very scary. the prodecure lasted 20mins approx. I was back in recovery and the first thing Icould think of was telling the nurse to call my husband who was at home with our three children. I was relieved to be awake for once!!! I ended up being able to go home after my procedure 4hours later. I was in recovery for a month. I saw the doctor for a post op a week after my procedure healing was going well so she had to see me in 3weeks. Went for my 4week post op and everything looked like it had never been through the LEEP procedure they got the results back and they had been able to get all the precancer. I was relieved. But I have to now go back in July this year for a pap then 3months after hen 3months after and if all is good and precancer doesnt come back then I move up to twice a year. Unlike woman who have never had a abnormal pap once the get their hystorectomy done they dont need paps done anymore I will need them once a year still for the rest of my life because it can always come back. So if  you think paps are horrible they save lives! I am happy that my results were well and I pray to god that it will continue like this! So please make sure you dont neglect an important test as a PAP!