Sunday, July 10, 2011

Religion in my life up to now

I have been taking adult instruction classes through Oak Park Lutheran church in rural Oklee. I have decided that I would like to become a memeber of the church. Growing up my family did not attend church as I wish we did. We were considered Catholic but never attended church every sunday. Once I started my family with Eric and our three children I said to myself I would really like to become a member of a church and have a better relationship with God  for myself and to teach this to my children. I have gone to Oak Park when I have been able to attend worship on sunday. I have gotten to meet members of the church and I have felt like this is a church that I feel comfortable going to and being an active member in. Everyone is so welcoming and  friendly. It sure was something to get use to for my two old boys Jared and Justin they have never been to church as their father never wanted to attend church. I decided that I would volunteer for this years Vacation Bible School to help out with the crafts as I dont feel I am knowledged (if thats a word) to teach the children the word of god. I planned craftd for the kids to do in a fast couple of days. I hve never taught or helped out at a church before so as you could imagine I felt like a kid at a new school on the first day. I am not going to lie I was sweating bullets and nervous. As it would be weird or different for someone who is not use to praying or anything of that sort. I have started this past year reading bible books and stories to the kids an reading out of the Veggie Tale devotions for boys book. I have just started to feel comfortable praying and for after quite sometime I feel comfortable singing the hyms. This has been a wonderful blessing to have gotten to know all 35kids that attended VBS this year. I really look forward to helping out next year and even helping out with other things for our church. ,I remember going to the catholic church I wanted Jared to be baptized in and the priest not flat out but in his own words said we couldnt baptize Jared during the churc service because the child was born out of wedlock and we were not married and the godparents were not church members or even catholic. So that was that Jaredwas never baptized and nither was Justin. I have spoken to Pastor at Oak Park about baptizing the boys as I feel that they need to be baptized. He said whenever we would like to have them baptized we could do it. This has also made me feel welcomed to this church. I know I tend to ramble on and go off subject then go back to the subject ugh I have poor writting/blogging skills probably because I havent written any sort of paper since highschool! Well back to VBS I will share a few pictures!

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